Bless Your Heart

Social media:
I use self reflection humor (which may come across as depreciation or "not being positive or grateful " enough for other people)

People sometimes provide enlightened-backhanded comments.

Or add me to ‘positive thinking groups.’

Or unfriend me.

OR tell me to practice gratitude.

Or DM me to let me know why my humor is wrong.

(In the south- it's called "blessing someone's heart 🤣)

It's not feedback or even critique.

It's ego-centered & self-righteous projection.

I've stopped responding.

I used to desperately try to get people to “like my writing” -or my point of view.

If I need to explain humor /sarcasm/satire/critical thoughts of our society - it drains me of my creativity and spirit.

While I have worked on myself to- appreciate feedback, healthy criticism and not take differences of opinion to heart.

I stopped participating in the gate-keeping my own creativity and sense of purpose.

I used to get super defensive (I still have my moments ) because I had not learned the difference between well intentioned advice/criticism/feedback versus people gaslighting my point of view -so it can match up with whatever they have going on in their own lives.

In all honesty, feedback - positive or negative is difficult for me.

I have a strong inner critic.

She’s relentless.

I’ve always wanted to write a book and share it with the world but the concept of allowing people into that creative space in such a vulnerable manner- is daunting and when I practice “seeing this” (which is important to see our futures in a positive manner) I have had full blown panic attacks.

You do not have to look very far to see how absolutely awful -humans can be to one another when they disagree with one another.

The more people that see your writing the more people want to vilify or change your writing- to fit their perspective echo chamber and lifstyle.

The more they want you to be something else because THEY want to be something else.

Having a positive and grateful mindset IS important- my satire or sarcasm or even societal observation isn’t a reflection of my ungratefulness.


It's equally important to be realistic because gratitude and positivity shaming peoples’ perspectives on life -provides zero growth.

And THAT’s what I see from people rarely interact with me

——-the minute I post something that they find prickly - BOOM- engagement——

And that’s weird. AND common.

It means they are following along with me for all the wrong reasons and as a society, we do this a lot more because the algorithm is a narcissistic and codependent enabler.

I will not change my personality/writing to be a chameleon of society writhing within the guffawed persona who sees life's comedy of errors as a mindset problem with a manifestation fix.

I will not change my personality because it doesn't match up with someone else's personal development plan for the world .

If you are reading this (which, admittedly - I do not have a lot of followers - so there is a chance no one is reading it) and you really do not care for my writing or my personality -

Why are you here?

Oddly - I also get it.

I have followed along with people that drive me batshit bonkers crazy. It’s almost like a form of codependent-Stockholm-syndrome where we measure up or torturous insides with the outsides of someone who is “well loved” by social media.

Maybe it’s time for all of us, obsessed with the eff-ups of others to cast a ‘Bless Your Heart’ into the atmospheres and hit the unfollow button for those who chap our well pressed khakis.


Too much information

