Influencer Noise is heavy.


The weight of influence is heavier on the mind than on the body.

It's a controversial topic and probably one of the most lucrative businesses in the USA.

This is all from my own perspective & experience. I have zero current trainings (I was a fitness instructor and maintained ACE certification from 2012-2016)

—So —pretty much- all my opinion.-

No body knows jack sh.

It's all marketing. 

It's all curation.

We never really know what a person (of influence on social media ) does behind the scenes to lose weight.

So "taking their classes" or following their plan is probably never gonna work out. 

I have a peloton subscription but I don't have it to lose weight or be "an athlete"

I have it because I like their classes and the music. 

I eat intuitively, don't weigh myself and exercise to feel better. 

I am trying to "tone up" or whatever- make my clothes less snug?( I don't even know what verbiage to use without  getting shamed for god knows what social media sin I broke.)

It's exhausting…..

….Trying to manage the rules of what's what when it comes to weight, our bodies, our images…. based on influence.. based on images…based on being shamed for wanting to lose weight and shamed for not being able to lose weight and shamed for loving the bodies as they are…

Our perception of healthy is beyond skewed by the heavy weight of influencer noise.

My non yoga pants aren't pressing on my belly right now. I guess that’s a good thing, I don’t even know how to feel about feeling better about my body because it’s so clouded with food and exercise and noise grifted from years of obsessive consumption of health and wellness blogs and magazines.(and two years in the cult of Beachbody)

Before my intuition journey - I used food and exercise as a weapon against my body for most of my adult life. I also had huge dopamine kicks from losing weight and being told I was small and super fit.

My smallness and fitness and visible abs -was my super power, unwinding that is not linear or even logical.

It's ebbed and flowed - anorexia to orthorexia to being kinda ok -to full-on rage cleanses to unrestrained outrage at the "health and wellness  " companies (and influencers*) that perpetuate the bullshit.

Internally- this is the best I've felt about food and exercise.

I'm on Lipitor and a hormone blocker to prevent  breast cancer re occurrence and I had a hard time accepting that being on those meds "wasn't my fault."

I have lots of cellulite and I’m “not missing any meals”

I've de influenced myself.  Or I’m de-influencing myself.

I'm done playing their game and lining their pockets with my vulnerabilities.

I'm done hating my generational love handles and muffin top cakes, as they are here to stay.

I'm not giving up sugar and white bread because it's NOT bad for me if I eat them in moderation. I don’t have gluten intolerance even thought influencers convinced me I did.

When I listen to some abbbed out chick who tells me sugar and bread causes Grain Brain-or Alzheimer's - I restrict , binge and hate myself.

A friend told me today that negative energy takes 1 second to be absorbed and positive energy takes 5 seconds to be absorbed. (Remember* this is a think piece *so please absorb as such).

I’m using that thought -when I get wonky about food and exercise.

Hide the ads, unfollow the influencers that spew bullshit toxic positivity cloaked in restrictions and punishment.

You don’t need that noise.

De influence the gratitude shaming of being blessed by their influence - bilking billions of dollars off of our insecurities.

Remove the weight of the noise in your feed and your head that your weight defines -YOU, because the weight of the influencer is actually pretty bad for your overall health.

* there was one particular influencer whose proclaimed expertise had a strong hold on me for a while. She manipulates her followers so well. She’s an expert marketer. She is not an anomaly. She is many -who have convinced their followers that with a few tweaks and a program designed by them-will give them superhuman life by design with a body they deserve.


My dog is a Diva. I've changed names to protect the innocent


Too much information